Here are some interesting facts about our Giraffe friends!
- A male Giraffe can reach up to 6m in height and can weigh up to 1,400kg's!
- The life span of a Giraffe is around 25 years.
- The only other member of the Giraffe family is the Okapi found in the DRC.
Okapi |
- A Giraffes tongue can get up to 45cm long.
- Their hearts can weigh up to 14kg and are roughly the size of a rugby ball!
- Giraffe have horns called ossicones. Males have bald ossicones due to fighting and females ossicones are tufted.
- A new born Giraffe can weigh 100kg and can stand within 15 minutes after birth!
- Giraffe can lie down to rest, however they keep their necks upright or rested along the body.
- Giraffes chew and suck on bones for their minerals!
Giraffe chewing on a bone |
What incredible creatures!
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