Sunday, April 24, 2011

A Raft of Hippos

Incredible facts about the Hippopotamus otherwise known as a Sea Cow (direct translation from Afrikaans) or a River Horse (Greek translation).

  • Male Hippos can weigh up to 3,000kg!
  • Their life span is about 35 to 40 years.
  • Hippos cannot swim - they walk and bounce in shallow water.
  • They can stay underwater for 5 min at a time!
  • Hippos "yawn" to show off their teeth - this is actually a warning sign.

Yawning is actually a warning sign!

  • Hippos mate and give birth in water.
  • They will also sleep in water with just their nostrils above the water for air!
  • On land Hippos can run at up to 38km/hour!

A Raft of Hippos

  • Hippos have sensitive skin and secrete a red liquid like "sunscreen" to protect their skin in the sun.
  • Because of their sensitive skin they will feed at night - between 15 & 40kg of grass per night!
  • Hippos kill many humans. They create "pathways" that humans use and when they meet on these paths humans come off second best.

Another one of God's incredible creations!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

A Tower of Giraffes

Here are some interesting facts about our Giraffe friends!

  • A male Giraffe can reach up to 6m in height and can weigh up to 1,400kg's!
  • The life span of a Giraffe is around 25 years.
  • The only other member of the Giraffe family is the Okapi found in the DRC.


  • A Giraffes tongue can get up to 45cm long. 
  • Their hearts can weigh up to 14kg and are roughly the size of a rugby ball!
  • Giraffe have horns called ossicones. Males have bald ossicones due to fighting and females ossicones are tufted.

  • A new born Giraffe can weigh 100kg and can stand within 15 minutes after birth!
  • Giraffe can lie down to rest, however they keep their necks upright or rested along the body.
  • Giraffes chew and suck on bones for their minerals!

Giraffe chewing on a bone

What incredible creatures!

Autumn Update

Wow, the winter chill is setting in! The days are shorter, the grass is browner and the leaves are fewer...
Never the less the animals seem to be having a great time as usual!

Male Nyala drinking at Rushton waterhole

Hippo yawning - actually a warning sign!

The Giraffes take a stroll along Springhare road

Another Puff Adder decides to pop in for a visit! 
Askari having a nap at the end of my bed

Jinx from Thithombo next door came for a visit

Wishing everyone a very Happy Easter!